Apply a texture to an object with Squizz Photoshop plugin

With Squizz, designers create easily an infinite range of samples, then apply new fabric instantly to existing models. This HandsOn demonstrates how you apply any kind of fabric to a model, so you can display new designs with your existing model.

Squizz is the ideal tool for sampling garment designs, interior designs, home furnishing, accessories etc… You can build a catalogue without producing any sample!

The following shows a job with one layer but you can easily perform the same on several layer and drape multiple kinds of fabric on each model.

Original sofa

New fabric

Final design

Place the sofa as the background, Create a new layer, fill it with the pattern, place copy of the Layer on top and create a Silhouette

Select the layer with the fabric pattern and launch Squizz from the Filter Menu

Select the SQUIZZ Grid, Line mode, a Step of 14 Horizontally (Columns), and 8 Vertically (Rows)

Lets Overlay the background image to do a precise job of distortion. Click the Load button and select the background layer (you may use another image if you wish). The background shows in transparency, start to move the grid to match the sofa…

Match the Grid Closely to follow the shape of the model

Release the Overlay Opacity, now the fabric matches the sofa, save the grid so you may simply recall the grid in just one step for another fabric

Apply and collect the result inside Photoshop / Elements or any other Application that support Photoshop plugin, to get the proper shadows, use the multiply mode on the top layer and fine tune the brightness/contrast


Simply Recall your Squizz grid with another fabric, you get a new simulation in no time.
Check the following examples: