Topaz Lens Effects: Enhance Your Creative Focus

Topaz Lens Effects brings all of your camera lenses and filters together in a powerful and easy-to-use plug-in, eliminating the need to purchase additional expensive lenses and equipment. Lens Effects makes it easy to recreate creative effects from all types of lenses and filters.

?Some of the effects included are; Bokeh, Vignette, Diffusion, Fisheye, Color Filters, Graduated Neutral Density, Tilt-Shift, Creative Blur, and Motion Blur. With 29 effects and 200 presets, you have many creative effects to choose from. Also, there is no added image degradation that can often result from glare, lens flare, dirt, dust, and lens aberration.

One of the highlights is the ability to create your own depth mask, which gives you ultimate control over the focus area in your image. You can also apply multiple lens and filter effects on one image, using the apply button.

Fisheye lens effect with depth mask. Before and after:

Screen Shot Depth Mask
Teapot-before lr
Teapot-fisheye background blur lr

Tilt Shift effect before and after:

Life preserver before lr
Tilt Shift Blur lr

Toy Camera effect before and after:

Depression glass before lr
Lens Effects toy camera lr

Creative Blur effect before and after:

Birch trees before lr
Lens effect- creative blur lr

Read more about TopazLabs Lens Effects and download a fully functional demo here…