Photo retouching

Photo retouching162

A series of Adobe Photoshop tutorials focused on photo retouching techniques, offering insights into enhancing images through adjustments, corrections, and creative edits.

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How to easily remove acne and blemishes in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, Brendan Williams shares his straightforward three-step process for retouching skin and removing acne and blemishes. This guide is designed to be beginner-friendly, avoiding complex methods while still achieving professional results. Brendan begins by introducing the healing brush tools. These tools are essential for removing acne and...

Turn White into Any Color in Photoshop

In this tutorial, WebFlippy demonstrates how to effortlessly transform white areas into any color using blending modes in Photoshop. This technique is especially useful for photo retouching and product photography, allowing for versatile color adjustments without affecting the overall image quality. The tutorial provides a straightforward approach to applying this...

Best unknown trick for retouching in Photoshop

In this insightful Photoshop tutorial, Colin Smith uncovers a valuable but often overlooked trick to enhance your retouching process. The tutorial introduces a method to simultaneously display your image at two different sizes—one for detailed editing and the other for a broader overview. This dual-view setup allows you to...

How to colorize photos in Photoshop

In this episode, Adobe Evangelist Paul Trani demonstrates how to instantly colorize photos in Photoshop using the new Neural Filters. This feature allows you to bring new life to black-and-white images, from landscapes to your old family photos, with just a few clicks. Paul walks you through the process of...

How to Change Black into Any Color in Photoshop

In this tutorial, Aaron Nace demonstrates how to transform black elements in your images into any color using Photoshop. This technique involves utilizing Levels and Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers to achieve the desired color changes. Aaron guides you through the process of adjusting these settings to effectively modify black areas...

How to Fake Color-Gel Lighting in Photoshop!

In this tutorial, PiXimperfect unveils an inventive method for simulating color-gel lighting effects in Photoshop. You'll explore how to recreate the dynamic look of multiple colored light sources by leveraging Gradient Maps. This technique allows you to precisely control both the brightness and color of the lighting in...

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