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Make yourself invisible in Photoshop

According to the author, making yourself invisible in Photoshop is a simple process that anyone can do. The key is to take the right pictures to make the job easy in Photoshop. In this tutorial, Aaron Nace from Phlearn will guide you through the process of taking multiple photos and...

How to Swap a Person Out in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, the author, Aaron Nace from Phlearn, will show you how to swap a person out of an image. This technique can be particularly useful for group shots, such as capturing bridal parties. The tutorial guides the user through the process step-by-step. By following the instructions, individuals...

How to Remove a Tattoo in Photoshop

According to the author, Aaron Nace from Phlearn, removing a tattoo from an image using Photoshop is a more challenging task than simply retouching blemishes or other artifacts. While Photoshop offers excellent retouching tools, removing a tattoo can be more complex as it typically covers a larger area of the...

How to Add and Remove Fog in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, the author, Aaron Nace from Phlearn, teaches how to add and remove fog in your photos. The process is straightforward and can be accomplished in a few easy steps. The tutorial guides the user through the necessary techniques to achieve the desired effect. By following the...

How to Add Special Effects in Photoshop

This video tutorial by PHLEARN demonstrates how to add special effects in Photoshop using photos from the same photoshoot. Aaron begins with a photo taken for a Fourth of July sale, featuring sparklers around the subject. The tutorial covers the use of blending modes and adjustment layers to create visually...

Add headlights to a car photo in Photoshop

This video tutorial by Aaron Nace from PHLEARN demonstrates how to add realistic headlights to a car image in Photoshop. Aaron guides viewers through the process of creating the illusion of headlights, starting with sketching the desired light beams and selecting the headlight area using the lasso tool. He then...

How to Remove Wrinkles in Photoshop

In this tutorial by Aaron Nace from Phlearn, learn how to remove or reduce wrinkles in Photoshop effectively. For complete wrinkle removal, use the Healing Brush Tool with a brush size slightly larger than the wrinkle, sampling color just below it. For a more subtle approach, use the Clone Stamp...

Create and Shape Eyebrows in Photoshop

In this tutorial by Aaron Nace from Phlearn, you'll learn how to create and shape eyebrows in Photoshop using custom brushes. Emphasizing the transformative power of eyebrows in portraits, Aaron demonstrates how to use the Pen Tool to create a path resembling individual hairs. This path is then...

How to Retouch Mature Skin in Photoshop

In this tutorial by Aaron Nace from Phlearn, learn how to retouch handsome, mature men by reducing wrinkles, pores, and adding color back to their skin. The approach emphasizes maintaining natural skin texture and avoiding overly intense edits that remove character. Techniques include using Shadows and Highlights adjustments to soften...

How to Remove Acne in Photoshop

In this tutorial by Aaron Nace from Phlearn, learn how to effectively remove acne in Photoshop. The process is divided into two steps: first, removing redness using Hue/Saturation to target specific red areas and make them look like normal skin tone. Second, removing blemishes with the Spot Healing Brush...

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